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« DVD Review: It's All Over Town (1963) | Main | Coming to DVD: Dr Terror's House of Horrors (1965) »

Cult spaghetti western Keoma (1976) gets a DVD reissue

One of the last spaghetti westerns and widely regarded as one of the better ones, Enzo G. Castellari's Keoma has just got a DVD reissue.

Starring spaghetti regular Franco Nero in the title role, it's the tale of a 'half breed' Indian who discovers his hometown is infected with a plague, while a gang of ex-Confederate soldiers use that same plague to keep control of the town. I think you can guess the rest -  slow-motion shootouts, shooting, some sentimentality and dialogue as silly as the soundtrack.

Check out the trailer, we'll have a review online soon or you can pick it up now, priced at £9.99 at Play.


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