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Limited edition Goonies posters for the Manchester Cornerhouse cinema 25th anniversary


Don't know much about the detail of these, but we know we love these limited edition Goonies posters for the Manchester Cornerhouse.

The posters have been produced for the 25th burthday of Manchester's Cornerhouse cinema, which is just a stone's throw from Oxford Road train station. Why The Goonies? Well, that was a product of 1985 too and was shown this weekend on the big screen as part of the celebrations.

The poster is very limited, with just 50 made, each one hand-signed and numbered. Downside? You might have to work harder than usual to get one as the Cornerhouse doesn't do online shopping. Either drop in to grab one or drop them a line to enquire about availability or mail order. It costs just £12.

Manchester Cornerhouse website


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